Thursday, November 10, 2011

Last Response

I did it!  I used technology successfully.  This is my last blog response post for the semester, so I thought I'd take some time to wrap up the project.  I've really enjoyed doing this.  I love to read and I love to write, so this has been the perfect combination.  The books I read have been fantastic and I can't wait to continue.  I haven't had much time in high school to devote to reading, so being forced, in a way, has been great.  I have probably read more in this one semester than in a few school years combined.  I am not sure if I will continue this blog - if anything I will keep updating the list of books I have read.  Maybe once things settle down in school I will come back to this, but for now, I think its time to say goodbye.  Thank you technology, for once you have been cooperative.

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